Anna Scripps Whitcomb Conservatory (interior) - Old photos
Anna Scripps Whitcomb Conservatory

Mrs. William Greene amid a flower display inside the Conservatory in November 1944

The Conservatory in March 1940

The Conservatory in 1940

The Conservatory in 1948

Inside the Conservatory in 1927, showing the entrance between the Aquarium and Conservatory, which was later sealed off.

The entryway between the Aquarium and Conservatory in April 1938

The entryway between the Aquarium and Conservatory in July 1950

Some kiddos check out the plant life inside the Conservatory in this undated photo, likely from the 1980s.

An unidentified woman takes in the beauty of the Conservatory in this undated photo.

A mother and son pose for a photo inside the Conservatory in 1948

"Ruth" inside the Conservatory in this undated photo

A group gathers at the doorway between the Aquarium and Conservatory in this undated photo.