Assumption Grotto Church - Stained Glass
Assumption Grotto Church

Stained Glass Window: The Assumption - According to sacred tradition, Mary ascended bodily to heaven at the end of her life. This apse window detail illustrates the traditional account that gives the church its name (Michigan Stained Glass Census)

The Coronation of Mary: Sacred tradition also relates the coronation of Mary as the Queen of Heaven. Here, angels crown Mary who is seated between God on the left and Jesus on the right. (Michigan Stained Glass Census)

The Annunciation: In this window detail, the angel Gabriel informs Mary that she is to become the mother of Jesus. (Michigan Stained Glass Census)

The Nativity: This apse window presents the familiar nativity scene, with Mary, Joseph and the infant Jesus visited by shepherds on the right and Magi or wise men from the East on the left. (Michigan Stained Glass Census)

North transept Stained Glass Window

North Transept Stained Glass Window: Last Supper, Jesus is shown washing the feet of his apostles at their Last Supper together, as an act of service and humility that they were told to emulate (top left). Wedding Feast of Cana illustrates the story of Jesus turning jars of water into jars of wine, at the request of his mother who informed him of a wine shortage (bottom right).

The church's front façade features three windows.