Book-Cadillac Hotel - Old photos
Book-Cadillac Hotel

The Book-Cadillac Hotel in the 1920s

The Book-Cadillac Hotel in the 1920s

A dining room at the Book-Cadillac in the 1920s

The Book-Cadillac in its days under the Sheraton hotel chain

A woman sifts through the bargains at a liquidation sale where the Book-Cadillac sold anything not nailed down ahead of its closure.

Escalators in the Book-Cadillac, seen here in 1952, had replaced the grand staircase.

The Book-Cadillac Hotel has been a landmark on Washington Boulevard for nearly 100 years.

The Radisson Cadillac, which saw a major renovation in 1978

Opening ceremonies of the new Radisson Cadillac Hotel in June 1978 after switching over from the Sheraton Cadillac

Bargain-hunters scour the Book-Cadillac's treasures during a liquidation sale after the hotel closed.

Lois Moore piles pillows in February 1986 at the Book-Cadillac ahead of a liquidation sale after the hotel closed.

An event in the Grand Ballroom of the Book-Cadillac in September 1941.

The Book-Cadillac's statue of Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac gets a bath in May 1939

A bridge tournament in the 1940s drew quite the crowd to the Book-Cadillac's ballroom.

Hooray! The Book-Cadillac at some event in 1978.

The modernized lobby of the Book-Cadillac in the 1970s

The Book-Cadillac Hotel in 1935

The Book-Cadillac in the 1970s. The Mariner Hotel at right is now a Holiday Inn Express.

The Michigan Avenue side of the Book-Cadillac Hotel

The Grand Ballroom of the Book-Cadillac Hotel

The Book-Cadillac in its days as the Sheraton Cadillac.

A statue of Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac on the Michigan Avenue facade

The Book-Cadillac in its early days. Note the original cornice, which was later removed.

The Book-Cadillac in the late 1920s

The Michigan Avenue entrance in its days as the Sheraton Cadillac

Looking up the Michigan Avenue facade in the 1970s

The Book-Cadillac in its later years as the Detroit Cadillac Hotel.

The Book-Cadillac and Washington Boulevard

The Book-Cadillac under construction

The Book-Cadillac under construction

Statues of Gen. "Mad" Anthony Wayne, city founder Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac, Chief Pontiac and Robert Navarre line Michigan Avenue.

Details of the Book-Cadillac's limestone facade, taken shortly after its completion

Details of the Book-Cadillac's limestone facade, taken shortly after its completion

Details of the Book-Cadillac's limestone facade, taken shortly after its completion

Details of the Book-Cadillac's limestone facade, taken shortly after its completion

Details of the Book-Cadillac's limestone facade, taken shortly after its completion

Details of the Book-Cadillac's limestone facade, taken shortly after its completion