Detroit Times - Old photos
Detroit Times Building

A look at the two-story atrium that served as the building's entrance.

The proud masthead was replicated above the main entrance.

The Times Building is what gives Detroit's Times Square its name.

The Times Building held the newsroom and the paper's presses.

Albert Kahn's Detroit Times Building, built in 1929, stood at Cass Avenue and Times Square.

A panorama of the Detroit Times newsroom, which was on the top floor.

A crowd gathers in the lobby of the Detroit Times Building on Nov. 7, 1960, the day after the paper published its final edition.

Ex-Times reporter Tom Kleene pays a final visit to his old newsroom on Jan. 25, 1978, a month before the building was razed.

An ex-Times employee takes one last tour of the newsroom's City Desk in January 1978.

The room that house the city desk of the Detroit Times in 1978, 17 years after the paper was bought and closed by the News.

Ex-Times staffers drop by the old newsroom in January 1978, a month before the building was razed.

A poor-quality-yet-rare photo of the Times building under construction in June 1929 from the Sun Times.

The Detroit Times Building shortly after opening, looking north up Cass.

The Detroit Times Building

The lobby of the Detroit Times

The lobby of the Detroit Times, looking toward Cass Avenue