Iroquois Avenue Christ Lutheran Church - Photos Stained Glass
Iroquois Avenue Christ Lutheran Church

The Easter window in the chancel, a floral design of Easter lilies, is representative of the Arts & Crafts Movement that flowered in Detroit between 1886 and 1906 — a desire to return to the beauty and simplicity of the Middle Ages. The lily is symbolic of purity and the Resurrection.

The remaining windows in Christ Church are painted in Renaissance pictorial style which was popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In addition to the Easter window, the chancel contains a Nativity window in this style.

The other windows represent the Crucifixion,

the Resurrection,

Jesus calling Peter and Andrew to the Apostate, saying "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men"

The Good Shepherd

Christ knocks

"Suffer the little children to come unto me," (a biblical scene of Christ blessing children from Matthew 19:13-15)

God's word (represented by the lamb and the cross of St. Paul, the sword of the spirit, and a cup symbolizing communion)

the Angel (God's messenger to the people)

Peter's failed attempt to walk on water after his boat capsizes