Historic Detroit

Every building in Detroit has a story — we're here to share it

Kresge Administration Building - Photos Interior

The elevator lobby and main staircase of the Kresge Administration Building

The elevator lobby and main staircase

The main staircase in the building's elevator lobby

The elevator lobby and main staircase, with the main entrance lobby of Second Avenue at left.

The executive offices at the front of the second floor are opulent showcases of Art Deco interior design.

The executive offices at the front of the second floor are opulent showcases of Art Deco interior design.

Sebastian S. Kresge's office features incredible woodwork on the doors.

Doors in Sebastian S. Kresge's office

Detail of the woodwork on the doors of Sebastian S. Kresge's office

Kresge Administration Building - Lower level

One of the Kresge building's elevator doors

Looking into the building's main entrance lobby, from the elevator lobby

The mail slot in the elevator lobby

The Kresge building's main entrance doors

The steps from the main entrance into the elevator lobby

Detail of one of the elevator cabs

Detail of the ceiling inside one of the elevator cabs

Detail of the radiator screens in the main lobby

One of the elevator cabs

One of the lab spaces in the building

Detail of the tilework found throughout the building's labs and hallways

This was said to be Sebastian S. Kresge's private elevator.

One of the lab rooms in the building

Detail of tile work in one of the building's labs

The tile work in the labs is replicated in some of the hallways.

S. S. Kresge Administration Building - Mr. Kresge's Office / Private Restroom

S. S. Kresge Administration Building - Mr. Kresge's Private Restroom