View of the gymnasium/auditorium and stage area from the second-floor. Severe water damage to the wood-framed partition wall between the bleachers and main corridor is visible left of the stage.
North elevation viewed from the school's asphalt track. The blank facade on the right of the image is where a 1973 addition once connected to the original building. The addition was demolished in 1991 or 92, according to Sanborn maps.
The main school entrance, as well as the entrance to the gym/auditorium, is located on a single-loaded corridor which extends toward Ward St. on the west side of the building.
Photo by Helmut Ziewers ( of
The unique gymnasium has elevated stadium-style bleachers forming a horseshoe around three sides of the space, and a stage on the fourth side. The gym also features large semicircular windows. Picture from Aug 2023.