Statler Hotel - Photos
Statler Hotel

The Statler sandwiched between the Kales, left, and Park Avenue buildings in July 2003.

The Statler in November 2002

The rear of the Statler (southern elevation) showing its distinctive V-shape to allow as much light into rooms as possible.

Much of the Statler had been ravaged by the elements, scrappers and vandals.

The west elevation of the Statler, shortly before demolition began

A look at the damage from years of flooding in the basement

A staircase showing much decay, shortly before the building was razed

The Statler, shortly before demolition began in 2005.

The Statler's basements were flooded for years, causing much rust on the machinery.

Much of the Statler had been ravaged by the elements, scrappers and vandals.

What was left of the grand ballroom shortly before the building was demolished.

Much of the Statler had been ravaged by the elements, scrappers and vandals.

A kitchen in the Statler, showing one of several collapses that had occured