Historic Detroit

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The Players - Photos Interior

Stepping into the auditorium feels like entering the great hall of a Renaissance manor.

Three of six murals by artist Paul Honore that adorn the walls of the Players auditorium

The other three murals by artist Paul Honore that adorn the walls of the Players auditorium.

A spiral staircase leads from the lobby bar to the Founders Room, The lintel above the entryway bears a quote from Shakespeare's As You Like It: "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players"

The auditorium of The Players' features intricate decoration by various artists and artisans. Despite the appearance of stone walls, they are actually cleverly camouflaged cinder blocks.

The auditorium walls contain six Paul Honore murals depicting a traveling troupe of actors and musicians on canvas tapestry.

The lobby bar displays dozens of caricatures selected from hundreds of past performances.

The Players alone have put on 656 productions, called "frolics," since the group started counting them in 1913

Constellations painted by artist Thomas DiLorenzo cover the domed ceiling over the spiral staircase.

The Founders Room displays photographs of all the Players' presidents throughout the group's history.

The twisted, bronze handles on the door leading to the room were a gift from Oscar Bach, a New York metal smith who also outfitted the Empire State Building.

A view at the door knob on the inside

A view at the door that leads inside the balcony section of the auditorium.

Corrado Parducci also designed the capitals atop the columns in the Founders Room.

Corrado Parducci also designed the capitals atop the columns in the Founders Room.

Corrado Parducci also designed the capitals atop the columns in the Founders Room.

Stepping into the auditorium through the double door on the lobby's right side feels like entering the great hall of a Renaissance manor.