Tiger Stadium - Demolition photos
Tiger Stadium

Tiger Stadium on Sept. 11, 2008, as it waited to learn whether the original portion would be saved.

Tiger Stadium on Aug. 24, 2008.

The entrance to the Tigers team offices sits amid ruins on Aug. 24, 2008.

An excavator bring down the "Welcome" sign at Cochrane and Michigan Avenue on Sept. 19, 2009.

A crowd watches an excavator bring down the "Welcome" sign at Cochrane and Michigan Avenue on Sept. 19, 2009.

Demolition on Sept. 11, 2008.

The demolition company co-opted the Tiger Stadium sign to hang its banner in 2008.

An excavator scoops up crumbs of history on Sept. 11, 2008.

The Trumbull side of the building on Aug. 26, 2008.

A look at the steel infrastructure as wreckers peel away brick and aluminum siding.

An excavator bring down the "Welcome" sign at Cochrane and Michigan Avenue on Sept. 19, 2009.

An excavator brings a rude welcome to the last corner of The Corner on Sept. 19, 2009.

Destruction meets history where Michigan Avenue meets Trumbull.

A field of dreams is turned into a field of debris Aug. 24, 2008.

Tiger Stadium on Sept. 11, 2008, as it waited to learn whether the original portion would be saved.

Tiger Stadium falls, looking west on Michigan Avenue toward Michigan Central Station

The last corner of The Corner is nibbled away by wreckers Sept. 19, 2009.

Supporters of saving the stadium held an 11 p.m. rally June 3, 2009, at the Corner.

Tiger Stadium thaws from its last winter April 2, 2009.

Paint chips in Tiger Stadium blue litter the ground as wreckers tear into the ballpark.

The abandoned Michigan Central Station overlooks piles of debris shorn from the abandoned Tiger Stadium on Aug. 10, 2008.

Demo workers reduce Tiger Stadium's offices to "Ger Stadium." Photo taken Aug. 10, 2008.

The left field bleachers lie in a heap July 22, 2008.