Historic Detroit
Every building in Detroit has a story — we're here to share it
Postcards of Interiors
All subjects
A. Blessing Cafe - Interior
Al Brocki's Cafe - Interior
Anna Scripps Whitcomb Conservatory
Anna Scripps Whitcomb Conservatory
Anna Scripps Whitcomb Conservatory
Anna Scripps Whitcomb Conservatory
Anna Scripps Whitcomb Conservatory
Anna Scripps Whitcomb Conservatory
Anna Scripps Whitcomb Conservatory - interior
Barlum Hotel coffee shop
Belle Isle Aquarium
Belle Isle Aquarium
Belle Isle Aquarium
Belle Isle Aquarium
Belle Isle Aquarium
Belle Isle Aquarium
Belle Isle Aquarium
Belle Isle Aquarium - Interior
Ben Coll's Cafe - Interior
Boblo Dance Pavilion
Boblo - Dance Pavilion interior
Book Building - Elevators
Book Building - Rotunda
Book-Cadillac Hotel - Blue Room
Book-Cadillac Hotel - Grand Ballroom
Book-Cadillac Hotel - Italian Garden
Book-Cadillac Hotel - Italian Garden
Book-Cadillac Hotel - Lobby
Book-Cadillac Hotel - Main Lobby
Book-Cadillac Hotel - Venetian Dining Room
Book-Cadillac Hotel - Venetian Room
Broderick Tower - Beauty salon
Broderick Tower - Doctor's Reception Room
Broderick Tower - Lobby
Broderick Tower - Salon
Broderick Tower - Shop
Brunswick Hotel - Lobby
Burns Hotel Bar
Burns Hotel lobby
Burns Hotel - Lobby
Cadillac Hotel - Dining room foyer
Cadillac Hotel - Lobby
Cadillac Hotel - Lobby
Callan Drug Co. - Interior
Central United Methodist Church
Central United Methodist Church
Christ Church
City of Cleveland III - Convention Cabin
City of Cleveland III - Convention Hall
City of Cleveland III - Engine room
City of Cleveland III - Galley
City of Cleveland III - Grand dining room
City of Cleveland III - Lobby and grand stairway
City of Cleveland III - State room
City of Cleveland III - Venetian Garden
City of Cleveland III - Venetian Garden Buffet
City of Detroit III - Gothic Room
City of Detroit III - Gothic Room at Dossin Great Lakes Museum
City of Detroit III - Grand Salon
City of Detroit III - Little Old Man of the Woods
City of Detroit III - Palm Court
City of Detroit III - salon mural
City of Detroit III - state room
Cobo Arena - Interior
"Detroit Industry" Murals
Detroit Institute of Arts - Detroit Industry Murals
Detroit Institute of Arts - Kresge Court
Detroit Institute of Arts - Main Hall
Detroit Institute of Arts - Rivera Court entrance
Detroit Institute of Arts - The Court
Detroit News Building
Detroit News Building - Lobby
Detroit News Building - Newsroom
Detroit News Building - Press and mailing rooms
Detroit News Building - Press room
Detroit News Building printing presses
Detroit News Building - WWJ studio
Detroit Opera House - foyer
Dime Building vault
Dime Building vault
Fairbairn Hotel
Fairfax Hotel
Fischer's Casino
Fisher Building
Fisher Theatre
Flamingo Room of the Pontchartrain Hotel
Fox Theatre - Interior
Fox Theatre - Lobby
Gothic Room - City of Detroit III
Grand Riviera Theatre - Interior
Graystone Ballroom
Greater Buffalo - Main forward staircase
Greater Buffalo - Salon
Greater Detroit
Greater Detroit
Greater Detroit - Bedroom suite
Greater Detroit - Dining room
Greater Detroit - Engine room
Greater Detroit - Grand salon
Griswold Hotel - Buffet
Griswold Hotel - Cafe
Griswold Hotel - Cafe fountain
Griswold Hotel - Dutch Room
Griswold Hotel - Lobby
Griswold Hotel - Palm Room
Hilberry Theatre
Hotel Pontchartrain auditorium
Hotel Pontchartrain - Flamingo Room
Hotel Pontchartrain lobby
Hotel Pontchartrain restaurant
Hotel Savarine
Hudson's Department Store - Interior
Huntington Place - Exhibit Hall interior
Leland Hotel
Leland Hotel
Leland Hotel
Leland Hotel
Leland Hotel - Lobby
Leland Hotel - Lobby
Leland Hotel - Peacock Alley
Log Cabin at Palmer Park
Log Cabin at Palmer Park
Log Cabin at Palmer Park
Log Cabin at Palmer Park
Log Cabin at Palmer Park
Mackenzie Hall - pool
Madame Cadillac Hall - Theresa Maxis Alumnae Hall
Majestic Selfserv
Majestic Servself
Marquette's Cafe
Masonic Temple - Auditorium
Masonic Temple - Auditorium stage
Masonic Temple - Consistory Cathedral
Masonic Temple - Crystal Ballroom
Masonic Temple - Fountain Room
Masonic Temple - Lobby
Masonic Temple - Shrine Lounge
Michigan Central Station
Michigan Central Station
Michigan Central Station - Waiting room
Newcomb-Endicott Department Store - Interior
Nick's Gaslight
Norton Hotel - Lobby
Old Madrid restaurant
One Woodward - Top of the Flame
Orchestra Place Apartments - League of Catholic Women Beau Parlor
Orchestra Place Apartments - League of Catholic Women Cafeteria
Orchestra Place Apartments - League of Catholic Women Chapel
Orchestra Place Apartments - League of Catholic Women English Lounge
Orchestra Place Apartments - League of Catholic Women French Room
Orchestra Place Apartments - League of Catholic Women Girls Lounge
Orchestra Place Apartments - League of Catholic Women Library
Parke Davis (River Place)
People's Outfitting Co. - Japanese Roof Garden
Pier Ballroom
Pontchartrain Hotel
Pontchartrain Hotel
Pullman Cafe
Seeandbee - Atrium
Seeandbee - Atrium
Seeandbee - Dining room
Seeandbee - Grand salon
Seeandbee - Grand Salon
Smith's Restaurant
St. Aloysius Catholic Church - interior
St. Aloysius Catholic Church - interior
St. Aloysius Catholic Church - Interior
St. Aloysius Catholic Church - Interior
St. Aloysius Catholic Church - Interior
State Savings Bank
Statler Hotel
Statler Hotel - Dining Room
Statler Hotel - The Grill
St. John's Episcopal Church - Interior
Stroh's Brewery
Stroh's Brewery
Sweetest Heart of Mary - Sanctuary
The Tropics (Wolverine Hotel)
Tiger Stadium
Tiger Stadium
Tiger Stadium
Tiger Stadium
Tiger Stadium
Tuller Hotel - Arabian Restaurant
Tuller Hotel - Crystal Grille
Tuller Hotel - Lobby
Tuller Hotel - Roof Garden
Union Depot - Lunch room
Walter Lowry tavern
Wayne County & Home Savings Bank
Wayne County & Home Savings Bank
Wayne County & Home Savings Bank
Whittier Hotel - Dining room
Woodward Avenue Baptist Church - Library